if sexual dysfunction is difficult

if sexual dysfunction is difficult

Hello, I’m a woman center of Tower urethra.People are progressed as long as the time passes.As a time, people feel that people feel more changes before the mirror, people feel more and more important to aging.Recently, well-aging life is fixed to the new aging life.This can see the efforts to close the expectations of the life and health life life.By simple, it is a lot of people who want to live long and live.And that, the number of people who are increasing power to manage various parts, but it is not only to keep the body of the body.This is the most likely to be a woman, but the disease of the vagina, and the disease of the vaginal disease, and the disease that has been experienced by women who experience.It is not left to leave such problems, and manage better life.


https://www.researchgate.net/publication/340493152/figure/fig2/AS:964789635403778@1607035182810/Circles-of-Sexuality-Image-provided-by-the-Unitarian-Universalist-Association-and-the.ppmWhat is sexual dysfunction in women?It can be said that it means sexual reaction problems or sexual intercourse pain related to sexual life.It refers to various symptoms such as sexual desire, disability, sexual excitement, disability, extreme feeling, disability, sexual pain. If you don’t feel sex very well, you can see it as sexual dysfunction.Gender dysfunction in women can be classified into various types.There are four types of sexual desire disorder: sexual arousal disorder, extreme sensitivity disorder, and sex pain disorder, which can be seen as a state of lack of sexual desire or avoidance of sexual contact, and can be divided into symptoms of sexual deterioration and abhorrence.Sexual arousal disorder is a condition that causes pain to patients because sufficient sexual excitement does not occur or satisfactory sexual excitement continues.An extreme feeling disorder is a sense of extreme, or orgasm, that cannot be reached easily or completely.Seongdong Bank Account refers to a situation in which pain continues to appear even during sexual activities or when sex is not performed, causing problems in sexual life.Our hospital deals with various methods of diagnosis of sexual dysfunction.In order to identify the symptoms and extent of patients with detailed medical history/psychological interviews, we are conducting a diagnosis by identifying the clear cause through detailed counseling and psychological interviews.Sex Function Survey A sex function survey is conducted to determine if it belongs to a gender functional disorder.Physical examinations and physical examinations are conducted, and if abnormal diseases or suspicious findings appear, various tests will be conducted later.In order to know the degree of laboratory examination/external genital examination hormone and genital sensation, various tests can be conducted, and the previous diagnosis information can be combined to make a clear diagnosis and proceed with appropriate treatment.Various methods are used to treat sexual dysfunction in women, but various methods are used, ranging from corrective drug treatment, physical therapy, surgical treatment, psychological and behavioral treatment to drugs and surgical treatment.It is not right to think of symptoms of sexual dysfunction as your own problem.Women sometimes don’t know if sexual dysfunction is treatable or something that needs to be treated.However, it is necessary to actively treat sexual health because it can be said that living a healthy life.Our hospital clearly understands the patient’s situation and condition and helps with systematic treatment.We are helping you continue a healthy sex life, so please come to the hospital anytime.Thank you.50m Naver Corp. See More / OpenStreetMap Data x NAVER Corp. / OpenStreetMap Controller Legendary Real Estate Street Towns, Myeon, Dongs, cities, counties, wards, cities and provincesTower Urology Clinic Gangnam Branch Woosung Apartment Building 11, 2912 Nambu Ring Road, Gangnam-gu, SeoulTower Urology Clinic Gangnam Branch Woosung Apartment Building 11, 2912 Nambu Ring Road, Gangnam-gu, SeoulTower Urology Clinic Gangnam Branch Woosung Apartment Building 11, 2912 Nambu Ring Road, Gangnam-gu, SeoulPrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image